World Youth & Culture Foundation

Founder’s Greeting

따옴표 The World Youth & Culture Foundation
always stands by the dreams of all the children in the world 따옴표

All the world’s children have the right to dream to their heart’s content.
They have the right to receive an adequate education and do their best as they grow up.

Because the dreams of our children create our future,
society has the responsibility to provide them with the opportunity to grow.

It is to fulfill this obligation that I have worked my entire life as an educational entrepreneur,
establishing the World Youth & Culture Foundation in 2007.

Since its beginning, the foundation has been providing various educational opportunities to help our children display their talents.
It has established a foothold for them to grow and take leading roles as global citizens.
In particular, our support for talented young people in sports and the arts is making our society richer and stronger as we help them grow.

However, because education is about the process, not just the outcome,
we value the time children spend growing as well as the results.

The World Youth & Culture Foundation will accompany the children of the world on their journey into the future, with all their dreams and hopes, for many years to come.

Thank you.

Kang Young-Joong, Founder 설립자 사인